Teens at the Door

Polytechnic School


In the summer of 2023, Jerry Fu founded our chapter here in Pasadena, Polytechnic Teens at the Door. Over the fall, the club worked with the International Institute of Los Angeles(IILA) to formulate a plan to support Afghan and Ukrainian refugees.

With their countries battling ongoing wars, may refugees suffer from cultural shock when arriving in America. Polytechnic Teens at the Door’s mission derived from our determination to support our community of refugees through immersive workshops, diversity conversations, engaging activities like burrito-throwing board games, and personal mentorship for students.

Our club convenes bi-weekly to brainstorm and develop new ideas for our workshops and host workshops twice a quarter. We aspire to make the transition smoother for refugees arriving in America, ensuring they feel welcomed and accepted in their new homes through our dedicated efforts.

Polytechnic Teens at the Door (PTD)

Join us in our cause, supporting Afghan and Ukrainian teens/adults through their journey in school and life.

Workshops with IILA

Aspiring Refugee with dreams of becoming a Lawyer one day…

“This was the first time I felt I could relate to the stories heard from each one of you, and I also learned so much more about my own Afghan refugee community.”

Meet the Team

  • I am currently a Junior at Polytechnic School. I have always been passionate about social justice and humanitarian causes. The plight of refugees around the world has moved me to take action and contribute to their well-being and successful integration into our community. I believe that everyone deserves a chance at a safe and fulfilling life, and I am committed to making a difference in any way I can. 

    I can be reached at jerry.fu.poly@gmail.com, and I welcome any inquiries, suggestions, or offers of support for our initiative.

  • Hi, I am TJ who is currently a Junior at Polytechnic School. I am super grateful to be apart of this journey and hope to benefit our community through our humanitarian acts. I look forward to our future workshop especially on financial literacy as I am a part-time trader myself.

    If you have any further questions, I can be reached at: tmcelrath25@students.polytechnic.org