Boys Nation Refugee Resolution

This June, I attended a program run by the American Legion called California Boys and Girls State 2023. Alongside approximately 1000 other rising seniors from California, we formed our own government, at the city, county, and state level, running for elected office, and passing legislation. At the end of the week, I was selected to attend a second program called Boys Nation, where alongside 99 other people selected just as I was, we will create our own senate and pass laws at our developed federal level. I am introducing a resolution on reaffirming the United States commitment to supporting refugees, both in their journeys to the United States and when they have arrived. You can read the full text of the resolution here. I’ll be in Washington D.C from July 21-29 advocating for the resolution on the floor of the Boys Nation Senate, and presenting it to actual members of Congress for their consideration, and I will be updating you all with how that work goes!

UPDATE (6/30/23):

Having just returned home from Boys Nation, I can share that unfortunately the resolution got held up in committee and didn’t make it to the Senate floor for a vote. I unfortunately wasn’t in the committee that had the resolution, but I was told that it was getting discussed and considered. I also know that everyone who I spoke to about the resolution was in favor of its adoption.


LA Restaurant Building Community For Refugees


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